Must see housing trends in 2020

Every decade brings new ideas and new techniques to building design. 2020 is no exception.

Whilst some styles will never date, this year heralds a fresh new approach to incorporating the trends and giving them a modern face-lift.

Let’s take a look on CSR Hebel’s take on the next big design trends to watch.


Modern Minimalistic Design

2020 will undoubtedly continue to use clean lines, but will incorporate contrasting building materials to achieve interesting textural finishes and geometrical shapes.  Colours and tones that are earthy and neutral will continue to dominate and clever use of natural light will inject warmth into this design aesthetic.

Get ready to see sleek and structured rendered concretes offset by classic natural-hued timber panels and unique trimmings of polished stone.

The trick is to keep the exterior balanced. Try cladding the main portion of your exterior facade in a light render and then balance it with panels in darker colours. This will help add interest without dominating the facade to achieve a modern take on minimalistic style.


Inject a Mediterranean holiday vibe into your home

Combining open living expanses with a relaxed aesthetic, the Mediterranean design trend is rising in popularity for those seeking to extend their summer-holiday all year round.

Australia’s warm, sunny climate makes for a perfect backdrop for this style that combine clean, white finishes with earthy, stone features and use of natural wood and cane to create a serene haven.

Use of fresh, bright whites on the facade, this style has been modernised for an Australian lifestyle with its use of curved lines to soften the look and selective use of sapphire or aqua accents to bring the exterior inside and create a seamless transition between living spaces.

Textures and finishes play a key role with this design aesthetic – renders that have a rough and ‘moulded’ texture are popular as seen on the whitewashed walls of Santorini.

This is perfectly paired with Hebel PowerPanelXL residential cladding system. The smooth Hebel panels provide the perfect base for that crisp white Mediterranean exterior.


Modern Art Deco & Miami Pastels

Art Deco saw design in the 1920’s and 30’s reach its peak in terms of lavish lifestyle. Today, we’ve seen designers build on this concept and embrace what is often now referred to as modern Art Deco. It’s an effective way to create a dynamic building exterior whilst also evoking past glamour.

In 2020 we anticipate seeing buildings that utilise soft, feminine shapes in its design – think of curved rendered facades, archways and interesting mouldings.

A big part of this style is also in the way it embraces pastel colours. Renders can be found in spritzy strawberry pinks, mint greens, buttery vanillas and milky aquas. The colours are reminiscent of the Miami Tropical Deco District style and will immediately remind you of long summers, neon lights, and South Beach.


Industrial Aesthetic

The industrial trend is synonymous with a ‘concrete look’ and that is set to continue well into this decade. Concrete is being used in a polished form, in a raw, unfinished state and even mixed with other materials such as brick, aluminium, iron and timber  to create a modern take on the industrial style that is seen well beyond the walls of refurbished factories these days.

What is interesting is that the ‘concrete look’ can be achieved using a variety of building materials, paired with the right coating or render.  Hebel PowerPanelXL is a perfect example of this.  Solid, yet lightweight, it is the perfect choice for your home’s external facade giving you thermal, acoustic and fire-protection benefits whilst acting as the perfect substrate on which you can project this season’s most in demand looks – including a polished or raw concrete look.


Whatever style resonates with you, one thing is for certain – building design in 2020 will continue to inject a new, fresh take on the classics and cater to a variety of different tastes and styles making it easy to find one that works for you.


Looking for the right building material? Consult the Hebel website to find out more or download our brochure to learn why Hebel is a better way to build.

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Jacinda Posen: