How Hebel helped Qattro grow as a business to deliver great homes

Qattro is a South Australian owned and operated property group which believes there’s a smarter way to develop homes – by using innovative building materials and processes.

Qattro is involved in all cycles of property development – including architectural design, construction, engineering, urban planning, body corporate management and more.

They have been using Hebel for the external cladding and flooring of their projects for over eight years.

Bradley Jansen, the Managing Director of Qattro, explains how Hebel has helped grow the business and expand their opportunities.

“When we started using Hebel in Adelaide, it was still fairly new to the market. Working with Hebel really helped our business, it helped us differentiate ourselves in the market. We used Hebel as a disruptor and a way to drive innovation,” he added.

Hebel delivers a smooth rendered look that dramatically improves the aesthetic appeal of homes.

Built using Hebel, the Marden Connect development by Qattro consists of 170 dwellings.

“Unquestionably, Hebel produces a 100% externally rendered and finished-looking home. When you use bricks, you keep costs down by not rendering the bricks, but that can turn ugly over time,” he said.

“Hebel’s flexibility to be cut means that it articulates everything from an architectural point of view. Hebel can make the buildings look more interesting without driving up the engineering costs,” Bradley added.

Bradley finds that because of the uniquely smooth look Hebel offers, clients always appreciate the aesthetic appeal of a Hebel home, which is something he believes to be vital.

“Clients comment on being able to stand and look at their new homes from the outside and appreciate just how clean it looks with Hebel. They’re really proud of the quality, the look and feel of the contemporary style that Hebel delivers,” he explained.

If you’re interested in growing your business in the building industry by creating a smoother and more appealing look, get in touch with CSR Hebel on 1300 712 896.



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