5 reasons why Hebel homes are better to live in

Over the past two decades, Hebel has built a reputation as being one of the best building products on the market, providing many benefits to homeowners. But what makes Hebel homes better to live in? Let’s dive in and discover the benefits!

It can reduce your energy usage

If you’ve felt your blood pressure go through the roof after opening an electricity bill recently, you’re among the millions of Australians who are experiencing the flow on effect of increased energy prices.

However, the silver lining  is that people are now doing more research into building products that can reduce their reliance on cooling and heating. This has seen homeowners choose products, like Hebel, that has excellent insulation properties, allowing them to feel comfortable all year round without it costing a small fortune.

Stands the test of time

Hebel has been manufactured with durability in mind. Hebel panels contain steel reinforcement for added strength, and this steel also has an anti-corrosion layer, ensuring your home is built to last.

Design by Carter Grange Homes.

A quiet, peaceful home

The use of Hebel for external walls can reduce noise from outside sources like traffic or neighbours who like midnight sessions of karaoke a little too much. What a lot of people also don’t realise is that Hebel Power Floor can also be used on the upper floors of homes, limiting the amount of sound transference between levels.

Better for the environment

In a previous blog, we discussed how people are more conscious of their environmental footprint and are now exploring non-traditional materials to build more eco-friendly homes.

Hebel aligns with this trend, because it uses less-embodied energy, produces fewer greenhouse gases and has a lower environmental impact, making it a very sustainable building material.

Design by Latitude 37

Reflects your personal style

Hebel has design flexibility, allowing homeowners to inject their personal style into the finished product. Firstly, it has more architectural scope, because shapes and profiles can be easily created. Secondly, as a rendered product, the colours available are essentially limitless. This provides homeowners with a wide range of options when it comes to creating a unique exterior look.

Design and building materials are some of the key considerations for homeowners entering the housing market, and with good reason – the choices you make now will impact your comfort and enjoyment of your home for years to come. As part of your research, you should consider using Hebel for the benefits outlined above.

To find out more about Hebel, download our brochure.


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