About party walls
Intertenancy walls, or party walls, are essential for homes like townhouses, terraces, and low-rise multi-residential buildings, providing safety and privacy between adjoining properties. While the National Construction Code (NCC) calls them ‘separating walls,’ at Hebel, we refer to them as ‘intertenancy walls.’
These walls act as protective barriers, preventing fire from spreading between neighbouring homes and ensuring sound insulation for resident comfort. Traditional party wall systems can be bulky and complex, taking up space and increasing construction time and costs. Hebel intertenancy systems, featuring PowerPanelXL and PowerPanel50, offer a smarter solution.
Hebel’s intertenancy systems require fewer components, as the panels themselves provide the fire rating, simplifying compliance up to FRL 90/90/90 without the need for additional fire-rated plasterboard. Enjoy peace of mind with Hebel’s reliable, space-saving, and high-performing wall solutions.


Hebel Intertenancy / Party Wall System
Applies to PowerPanelXL 75mm, PowerPanel50 with 70mm and 90mm stud frames