About Balcony Blades
Hebel PowerPanel Square Edge is ideal for blade wall construction. It is the same Hebel AAC panel used for fire resistant high rise facade cladding. Blade walls separate the balconies of different sole occupancy units.
CSR Hebel has developed a fully engineered slim line balcony blade wall system for use in high rise residential developments. The blade wall design has an overall wall thickness of 200mm. Hebel PowerPanel Square Edge is installed directly onto both sides of a steel frame without the need for Top Hats. This assists in maximising the usable balcony space, as well as aligning the width with internal walls – an important design aspect.
The Hebel Blade Wall System has a Fire Resistance Level (FRL) of -/120/120 without the need for fire-resistant insulation.


Balcony blade between balconies of different SOUs
Hebel’s Balcony Blade Wall System consists of 75mm thick PowerPanel Square Edge panels fixed directly to a light gauge steel frame resulting in a flame resistant wall just 200mm thick.