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All Hebel products have exceptional fire properties and meet or exceed the requirements for all six Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) categories, making it the top choice when building in a bushfire zone.

Hebel AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete)

Hebel autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is renowned for its fire resistant properties and is a non-combustible building material. As a result, all Hebel cladding and blocks meet or exceed the requirements for all six Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) categories, making them a logical choice when building in a bushfire zone.

Hebel PowerPanelXL
Hebel PowerBlock
Hebel PowerFloor

Hebel PowerPanelXL

Hebel panels come in a range of styles which are not constrained by bushfire zone construction. For solid rendered walls in a Mediterranean style, or even a high-end polished concrete finish choose PowerPanelXL.
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Hebel PowerBlock

Hebel PowerBlocks are a modern alternative to brick and concrete block construction use. They can be suitable for all BAL levels up to BAL-FZ. They can be finished in styles that fit with the Australian bush setting. For example, choose a fine or coarse render in a eucalyptus colour or mimic the surroundings with a sandstone finish.
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Hebel PowerFloor

Hebel PowerFloor is an excellent flooring solution that provides the feel of a solid concrete floor without the price tag. The system is a non-combustible system with proven fire resistance levels up to 240 minutes from above.
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Bushfire zone requirements

Australian Standard AS3959-2018 ‘Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas’ includes a method for assessing categories of bushfire attacks called Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL) in areas that have been classified by authorities as being ‘bushfire prone’.

It also provides construction and building material provisions for the use in buildings to resist bushfire attacks resulting from burning embers, radiant heat, flame contact and combinations of the three.

A building certifier or surveyor will use the designated BAL rating to check compliance with the construction requirements of the standard and / or any other local legislative requirements. It is the responsibility of the building designer to ensure compliance to AS 3959 and / or any other local legislative requirements are met in accordance with the requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022.

Bushfire attack level (BAL)


Description of predicted Bushfire Attack and levels of exposure


There is not sufficient risk to warrant exposure

Ember attack


Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux between 12.5 and 19kW m2

Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux between 19 and 29kW m2
Increasing lebels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux with the increased likelihood of exposure to flames
Direct exposure to flames from fire front in addition to heat flux and ember attack

Hebel systems for each BAL level

Application Hebel System BAL-Low BAL-12.5 BAL-19 BAL-29 BAL-40 BAL-FZ
External Walls PowerBlock+
Floors PowerFloor+
Subfloor Supports PowerBlock+
Verandahs/Decks PowerFloor+

Other building elements

Non-combustible Hebel blocks and panels are ideal for a range of other building applications on bushfire prone properties.

Verandahs, decks, and external stairs

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Verandahs, decks, and external stairs

Both Hebel PowerFloor and PowerFloor+ provide a solid alternative substrate fro external decks and verandahs. If stairs are required, Hebel Blocks are an ideal choice.


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Hebel PowerFence is an attractive and versatile modular fence system that provides an efficient and effective privacy and noise barrier for residential applications. Featuring non-combustible panels and steel posts PowerFence is perfect for boundary fencing and low front walls in bushfire prone areas. Hebel PowerFence can be finished with horizontal V grooves or with set joints as a monolithic rendered wall. It can also be integrated with features such as wrought iron sections.

Hebel Benefits & Performance

Hebel offers performance and versatility, making it a smart and reliable alternative to traditional building materials. With its strength, lightweight composition, and superior thermal and acoustic insulation properties, Hebel delivers both functional and aesthetic benefits for a wide range of construction projects.
  • Proven and compliant.

    Hebel panels are high-performance products containing steel reinforcement for added strength with an anti-corrosion layer on the steel for maximum durability.

  • Strong and solid

    Building with Hebel can mean faster construction times, without sacrificing on quality.

  • Quality and speed

    Hebel panels have been tested and proven to achieve NCC fire and acoustic rating compliance.

  • Energy efficient

    Hebel performs well thermally, helping to keep your house cool in summer and warm and cosy in winter.

  • Noise reduction

    A Hebel home is a quiet one because it reduces noise transmission. When used for upper floors it can reduce sound transference between levels.

  • Fire resistant

    Hebel is a non-combustible building material and renowned for its fire resistant properties.

  • Design versatility

    With Hebel the design possibilities are endless with a wide range of aesthetic coating options.

  • Sustainable

    Hebel is made using readily available raw materials. It's also available in custom sizes reducing construction waste.

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