About Floors
In residential construction, concrete slab floors are popular for ground floors on flat sites. However, when it comes to sloping sites or upper levels, concrete isn’t always practical or budget-friendly. That’s where suspended floors come in, using floor joists and load-bearing panels. These panels can be made from particle board, compressed fibre cement, or autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC).
Hebel PowerFloor is a standout choice for those seeking a strong, solid floor with the feel of concrete, without the steep cost. Unlike particle board, which can lead to squeaks and bounce, 75mm thick Hebel PowerFloor panels deliver a stable, quiet surface. Perfect for both dry and wet areas like bathrooms and laundries, PowerFloor also offers superior thermal insulation and acoustic performance, helping keep your home comfortable year-round and reducing noise between floors.
As a bonus, Hebel PowerFloor is non-combustible, making it an excellent option for tiled decks and balconies, even in bushfire-prone areas.


PowerFloor system
The panels are screw fixed and bonded to all floor joists except at panel butt joints where only two beads of adhesive are used.