That’s why Porter Davis works with Hebel, CSR’s brand of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) – a lightweight masonry product.
“The product itself is a substitute for brick, so it eliminates the component of having to find bricklayers, who are in high demand in the industry,” he explained.
In addition to alleviating the difficulty of recruiting and managing bricklayers, working with Hebel also reduces other difficulties onsite.
“The engineering requirements are somewhat less, that helps as well. Even though the cost of Hebel is slightly more than the cost of traditional brick, there are added benefits,” Steve said.
These benefits include faster construction times, energy efficiency and sustainability, superior thermal and acoustic performance – as well as providing a neater construction site.
Steve Tankey, Director of Porter Davis
“Hebel is more efficient to apply and to get rid of the waste,” he added.
“It’s a better product in terms of sustainability. And if the home is more energy efficient, it’s more cost-effective for the owner to live in – in terms of power consumption,” Steve said.
With Hebel delivering these benefits during and after construction, Steve thinks the future for Porter Davis, and the wider construction industry, centres around providing innovative housing solutions with superior products.
“I think innovation is key going forward. Innovation can be achieved with different products and applications, and trying to keep efficiency up – and not just in terms of timeframes, but also costs,” he explained.
If you’d like to learn more about how working with innovative building products, like Hebel, could improve the construction process for you – get in touch with CSR Hebel on 1300 712 896.