Ross Parker, Manager of Kurrajong Steel Homes, explains how working with Hebel PowerPanel and PowerFloor helps them to create homes of distinction.
“Hebel PowerFloor gives us insulation between levels – and it’s not just heat insulation, it’s noise insulation as well. It truly is a fantastic product, ” he said.
Ross also praises Hebel PowerPanel for delivering savings in time and money.
A beautiful home by Kurrajong Steel Homes featuring Hebel
“Hebel reduces costs because it’s quicker to install. It takes about a third of the time of installing brick. So our two storey scaffold, instead of costing about twelve thousand dollars, could end up costing eight or nine thousand dollars,” Ross explained.
Ross also explains how Hebel saves time when tiling. “Rather than having to put down tileboard, we can fix tiles straight onto Hebel. So there’s a saving in time and effort on putting in tileboard, which you have to nail or screw onto a timber floor or structure floor every 150mms and can take forever,” he added.
In addition to reducing costs and time in the building process, Hebel delivers a solid feel to the home, which is always appreciated by the clients of Kurrajong Steel Homes.
“Our clients love Hebel because it doesn’t crack. The foam-type rendered products that you can get often crack and require repairing,” Ross said.
“If you walk by a brick home you could catch your elbow on the sill. This doesn’t happen with Hebel – it’s a neater and more modern finish,” he added.
Ross also knows the benefits of building with Hebel on a more personal level, with Hebel walls in his own home. Although he wishes he had installed Hebel flooring as well.
“When my dishwasher broke down, with the particle board and the tiles, everything just fell apart. But if I had Hebel flooring I know water would have just ran over the tiles, gone through to the Hebel and that’s as far as it would have gotten. Instead I had to rip all sorts of things up to fix it – all because I didn’t have Hebel floors which I completely regret!”
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of building or living with Hebel, give us a call on 1300 712 896.