What goes under your floor covering will impact on stopping creaking floors, everyday noise and the thermal performance of your home, so it’s important to get it right from the start.
Hebel PowerFloor is a highly versatile solid flooring system that provides the feel and benefits of a concrete floor at significantly lower cost and is much faster to install.
Used in Europe for over 70 years and Australia for over 20 years, Hebel PowerFloor is a lightweight steel reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) flooring system. Generally Hebel PowerFloor is easily installed over conventional joists and used as a first floor and suspended ground floor substrate. Once completed the solid feeling panels can be easily overlayed with ceramic tiles, carpet, timber – or anything that is specified.
Homeowners Malcolm and Belinda built their home with CSR Hebel including PowerFloor “The only squeaks we get in the house are the wooden stairs. You can hear someone on the stairs – and that’s the only way we know if the kids are up at night. It’s absolutely quiet upstairs; the floor doesn’t creak at all.”
“Hebel fits the bill with the heating and cooling systems in our floor because it needs to have a thermal mass and so with Hebel, once you warm it up it stays warm, we put it on for a few hours and it stays warm until the next day.”
The added thermal benefits of Hebel PowerFloor can reduce the reliance on heating and cooling appliances so your home is comfortable all year round with potentially lower energy costs.
For a solid material Hebel is light on the environment, produced with less than a quarter of the resources and raw materials used in the manufacture of other masonry products. For this reason Hebel has been awarded the Good Environmental Choice Australia label in recognition of its significantly reduced environmental impact.
To learn more about Hebel PowerFloor click here