“It’s a true community because you can close your door and be in your own little world, or you can take part in all sorts of social activities and get to know your neighbours,” Tony said.
The various recreational options on offer help to keep Tony and Carolyn active and entertained.
“There is a recreational hall that is really large, and it’s surrounded by a bowling green, tennis courts, and a swimming pool. So you can go down and partake in whatever sport you want to and then go and have a coffee afterwards,” Tony added.

A Halcyon home built with Hebel.
But the lifestyle benefits aren’t the only advantages of living in a Halcyon home. Tony and Carolyn live in a house that benefits from the superior thermal performance of Hebel.
“Living in a Hebel home is an economic advantage,” Tony said.
“During our winter months, which we’re in now, we haven’t put on our heating at all – because it’s quite warm enough inside, even when it’s very cold outside,” he added.
”And going back before winter, it was quite cool in the summer so we didn’t need to have the air conditioner on every day. We had a digital device that recorded the temperature inside and the temperature outside and at some stages there was anything up to twelve or fifteen degrees difference between how it felt inside and how it felt outside,” Tony explained.
By relying less on heating and cooling systems, Tony and Carolyn are also able to reduce their carbon footprint.
If you’d like to learn more about creating comfortable and energy efficient homes, get in touch with us here